Greg has suddenly requested to sit on the adult toilet bowl when he wanted to pass motion this morning and yes, he managed to poo successfully without any fear.. he has been using his little potty all these while. Hurray! I don't have scrub and wash his potty anymore! Heehee. I could sense his pride in his little achievement this morning and I am also proud of him! Well done, Gregory!
We decided to go airport this morning to spring KengYong a surprise. Originally we had to attend a housewarming gathering at a friend's house, but we decided to detour to the airport first. KengYong didn't know we were at the airport waiting for him, and Greg was so thrilled when he met his daddy. I guess he must have missed KengYong for the past four days.
(Above pictures: Greg was happily waiting for his daddy and keeping a lookout for him. Pictures in the second row: Left - Greg was more concerned with the gift his daddy has got for him than anything else. Right - Greg helped KengYong manage his luggage). Hmmm... I wonder how KengYong felt about this surprise that we have sprung on him..
Well, we didn't miss the fun at HuiSan's housewarming gathering. We managed to arrive there at about 11am. Greg met some of his classmates there - Rayhan and Edna and they had a great time together. Kovan Melody is indeed quite nice place. The playground is so well-liked by the kids and this condominium has many fun pools. Last but not least, I must say HuiSan has a warm and cozy home. I had a great time there too! =)
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