Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fast pace fast pace...

Gosh.. it has been a long time since I last logged in. Almost forgot my blog address even! It's already the third month in 2009! So many things have happened... Gareth has turned 15 months, and Greg is now 4 years old! How time flies. Gareth is now walking quite independently, saying several one-/two- words. His favourite word now is "Maaaaaah meee". Heehee. Greg has grown too, both physically and cognitively. His reasoning skills have definitely sharpened and there are times I do think he can make quite a good lawyer in future. hmmm...

Myself... busy busy busy. Busy with work. Busy with my 3 boys. Work wise, I am happy so far. Good to be busy.. or at least feel busy because the economy these days are really no good. I have to even give retrenchment and resilience talks to certain companies apart from seeing more people with stress-related issues in my clinic... hopefully my job is a recession proof one. Yup yup.. appeared on the Chinese talk show in February. Gosh... glad that it's over. Think my Mandarin is really not up to standard, and oh well, some people said I have too high expectations of myself.

Oops... my two boys are calling me.... gota go. gosh... pace of life is really going a bit too fast...

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