I was so busy with work and my life in general that I simply couldn't find time to update my blog. If there is time to spare, I would only wish to melt in my bed. Life with my two young boys isn't easy. First is Gareth. Yup, he is turning 1 year old tomorrow! Time flies doesn't it? He's now a lot more aggressive and responsive. When I carry Greg, Gareth will get upset and will want me to carry him. When I carry the two boys (each in one arm), they will try to push the other one off! Oh my gosh! Gareth usually would look for Greg. He is easily excitable by his brother and when Greg is engaged in a game, Gareth is always keen to join him. Gareth could now walk with hands held. He is also able to follow instructions pretty well (e.g., asking him to keep the toys or passing an object to someone etc) and he could even point to the right picture when he was asked the location of the object in a set of picture cards. As he couldn't speak full sentences yet, Gareth gestures to indicate his wants. For instance, if he wants his diaper change, he will point and look at his diaper. If he wants the TV on, he will point to the TV and go "Er...er!". When he sees us eat and he also wants to eat, he will crawl to you and say "MumMum".
Greg, on the other hand, is growing to love his little brother. However, at times he isn't keen to pass his clothes on to Gareth. Look at the picture above. That set of blue traditional costume was worn by Greg when he was a year old. He insisted that he could still wear it and refuse to pass it on to Gareth. Greg tried squeezing himself into that costume and I thought he looked like "Huang Fei Hung"! Haha. He's always quite comical and making me laugh.
Yup! Gareth is turning one tomorrow. We are holding a mini family party for him. Seems like Greg is more excited than Gareth about the party. Hopefully I could do an update on his party this time. =)
1 comment:
Wow! Gareth is turning one already?! It juz seems like Greg left Shichida not too long ago! Time flies man....
Hope your family had a wonderful celebration!
Say hi to Greg for me! (^ ^)
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