The day has finally arrived. I took this picture of my tummy before I went KKH to deliver my baby on Thursday at 6+am. My cervix was 3cm dilated, and my gynaecologist decided to break my waterbag. I had my epidural at about 8+am when my contractions became really unbearable. My cervix was fully dilated at about 12pm but because my baby was not in the ideal position for birth (he's facing up though head was down), the midwives put me in various positions to push the baby out while they used their hands to turn the head of the baby. It was quite tedious because I had to go through this procedure for about two hours and my epidural medicine finished at 12+pm. The midwives convinced me not to top up the medicine because I suffered quite bad side effects from epidural (e.g., vomitting, shivering) and told me that baby would be out soon. The effects wore off at about 2pm and I had a hard time managing the pain till the baby decided to come out at about 2:30pm when the gynaecologist made her way to see me. KengYong was very supportive throughout the whole process; he even "pushed" the baby out with me by timing his own breathing to coincide with mine. I also had to thank Rina, my younger sister, who took leave to help me mind Gregory while I was in the hospital. I could see that Gregory had a great time with her and Regine.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My Second Baby Has Arrived!
The day has finally arrived. I took this picture of my tummy before I went KKH to deliver my baby on Thursday at 6+am. My cervix was 3cm dilated, and my gynaecologist decided to break my waterbag. I had my epidural at about 8+am when my contractions became really unbearable. My cervix was fully dilated at about 12pm but because my baby was not in the ideal position for birth (he's facing up though head was down), the midwives put me in various positions to push the baby out while they used their hands to turn the head of the baby. It was quite tedious because I had to go through this procedure for about two hours and my epidural medicine finished at 12+pm. The midwives convinced me not to top up the medicine because I suffered quite bad side effects from epidural (e.g., vomitting, shivering) and told me that baby would be out soon. The effects wore off at about 2pm and I had a hard time managing the pain till the baby decided to come out at about 2:30pm when the gynaecologist made her way to see me. KengYong was very supportive throughout the whole process; he even "pushed" the baby out with me by timing his own breathing to coincide with mine. I also had to thank Rina, my younger sister, who took leave to help me mind Gregory while I was in the hospital. I could see that Gregory had a great time with her and Regine.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Greg's First Pet
Greg has all sorts of questions about his fishes... e.g.,
Greg: Mummy, why my fish never sleep?
Me: Fishes do sleep. It's just that they do not close their eyes when they are asleep.
Greg: But I never see my fish sleep...
Me: Your fishes maybe sleeping if they are not swimming about but their eyes would still be opened..
Greg: Yesterday I see them swim, now I see them swim... I don't think my fish sleep you know..
Me: Well, maybe they slept at the same time as you last night.. hahaha.
He's also very enthusiastic about feeding his fishes besides admiring them from outside the tank. He fed the fish once in the morning and half an hour later, he came running into my room with the bottle of fish food.
Greg: Mummy, mummy, I think my fish is hungry. Can I feed them?
Me: You just fed them not too long ago..
Greg: But I want to feed them.
Me: Remember the fish auntie said you cannot feed the fish so many times?? Only once a day..
Greg: Why?
Me: The fish will die if you feed them with too much food.
Greg: But the fish don't want to eat if they are not hungry..
Me: Nope Greggie. I said no means no. You are overfeeding your fish.
Greg: Why?
Me: (getting impatient) Your fish will die..
Greg: I want my fish to die..
Me: What? You want your fish to die?Why?
Greg: Mummy, can you get me new fish if my fish die?
Me: Nope. Now go keep the fish food or I am going to get really angry.
Sigh..maybe he's still too young to feel responsible for the fish.. I wonder if it's the right thing for me to get him the fishes now..
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A 'Not-So-Negative' Poem to Share
I am generally slowing myself down. Mood swings I still have but I guess the next poem that I would like to share isn't too negative.. haha. Here it is..
Laugh as much as you can
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"I Don't Want To Go Back To School"
Anyway, today, Greg's form teacher T. Roze called. Greg, thinking that it was his daddy, ran to pick up the phone while I was preparing his lunch. I saw him keeping very quiet when he picked up the phone and I took the phone away from him. It was then that I realized his teacher called to give an update of the hfmd situation at childcare. Greg appeared very anxious after I put down the phone and kept asking why his teacher called.
Saachi's mummy (Saachi is one of Greg's childcare mates) shared with me her way of getting Saachi motivated to return to school after a week of their overseas vacation. I decided to try her method on Greg.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Still Waiting..
Greg: Mummy, you saw doctor at the hospital already?
I had some blood discharge in evening yesterday and some cramps. They went off in the night and all was well till this morning when I started bleeding again. I am really unsure if they are caused by the gynae examination or it's the "show". Anyway, I guess I have to keep monitoring the symptoms... I am just concerned about rushing to the hospital too late and had to give birth to the baby in the car/ cab, and the void deck! Aiyo...or maybe I am thinking too much already... *keeping my fingers crossed and hoping all goes well*
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I Am Still Around!
Well, I keep telling self to enjoy my pregnancy and to appreciate that the baby is still swimming happily inside me. I believe I am going to miss him inside me when he's out. In addition, I think my hands are going to be very full and I would have another set of challenging issues to manage when he's out. Just hope that he's going to be a healthy little boy and that he gets along well with everyone in the family, especially Gregory. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything is going to be fine.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
1cm Dilated Already!
I had quite bad contractions on Monday evening, and I was so worried that I might pop any time. KengYong left on a business trip on Monday night so I sms-ed Rina to "stand-by" for a couple of days to help me with care of Greg if I pop. I also took a couple of days of MC to monitor my contractions and rest. Interestingly, my contractions have somewhat ceased.. perhaps it's because I laid in bed as much as I could. Well, I am glad that KengYong is back now and I am also back at work today. I hope to walk more so that my cervix dilates faster. However, many medical colleagues were shocked to see that I was back at work today because they felt that my tummy could "explode" anytime. My back sure aches more and baby seems very active moving around when I am at work.
It was kind of KengYong to take leave to spend sometime with Greg today. We couldn't bring Greg in to the childcare today because apparently there was a small outbreak of tummy flu and hand foot mouth disease at his school. Sigh. He was with me at home when I was on MC for the past two days. Greg cannot afford to be sick at this time just in case I go into labour, and KengYong may have a hard time managing us both. I guess I may have to take MC for tomorrow again so that I can keep Greg at home. How nice if my mum and dad are around.. life would certainly be a lot easier for me if they are present. *SAD*
Thanks to those who have sms-ed/ called me thinking that I could have popped... I would certainly keep you posted once baby is out!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sentosa On Sunday
Greg had been pestering us to bring him to Sentosa. KengYong and I were wondering how he came to know about this place, as we have not talked about it, and the last time we took him there via cable car was when he was about 1 year+. Anyway, we promised to bring him to Sentosa on Sunday morning if the weather was good. Greg was happy admiring the environment around when he was in the cable car, but I think he's a little scared because he kept asking KengYong to hold him. After the cable car ride, we drove in to Sentosa because Greg wanted to play sand on the beach. We went to Siloso Beach and on our way to the beach, he spotted the place where he could play Luge. He insisted that he wanted to play Luge with KengYong after his sand play.
Greg's height was measured at the Luge station where KengYong purchased the tickets, and was re-measured again before he and KengYong took the "sky-bench" up. Apparently, the minimum height for the kids to play was 90cm if accompanied by adults and luckily, Greg's height is slightly above 90cm (sigh! He didn't grow much!). Actually, I was quite worried about him taking the "sky-bench" up because the staff said they could not do much if Greg decided not to sit on it half way through. Anyway, I guess I was overly worried for nothing. Greg seemed brave enough to take it, and he nodded his head when I asked him if he really wanted to do it just before he hopped onto the "sky-bench". Well, he appeared thrilled to be able to take Luge with KengYong when I received them at the end point and Greg had wanted to go another time!
Greg: Mummy, you go up with me can?
Me: No. Mummy can't.
Greg: Why? Your tummy too big?
Me: Yes. Mummy has didi inside. Not safe for Mummy to play the Luge. Next time ok? When Didi comes out, Mummy takes the Luge with you.
Greg: Why Didi so long still doesn't wanna come out??? *pulling a long face*
Anyway, just before he napped at home, he asked if his cousins (Edwin, Roy, Xian, Regine and Reuben) can go Sentosa and take Luge with him the next time.. hmmm.. I guess I should organize one family gathering at Sentosa when Edwin returns from his China exchange programme trip. It should be fun! =)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Greg's First Few Proper Drawings
Instead of doodling on paper, I noticed that Greg's drawings have become more purposeful over the past couple of weeks. Since he was one, he started drawing lines from circles to form balloons, and drawing lines to match shapes. Of late, he requested that I showed him how to do proper drawing. I have drawn him pictures of man (e.g., stick figures), house, sun, dog, fish and tree in simplified form. Interestingly, I noticed that he has made some attempts to draw them on his own. Picture on the left: He asked if he could draw me just now. He asked me to sit still while he was trying to "sketch" me. It was quite a good attempt though he didn't draw me any legs/ mouth/ nose! Afterall, this is his first drawing of a stick figure and I thought he drew "me" pretty well! Picture on the right: His first tree drawn.
KengYong and I are left-handers. Strangely, Greg isn't. Well, Greg certainly makes a better artist than KengYong and I, doesn't he?
O'Kids Spot on Saturday Morning
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Fun Deepavali Morning
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Teacher's Birthday
Teacher Roze's birthday falls on 13 Nov. However, she would be not around at school from Deepavali till end of next week. Teacher Roze is one devoted teacher at learning vision and I know she usually puts in her very best in her work role. Greg is fortunate to have her as his form teacher and I can see that all the kids in her class love her a lot. Anyway, Susanna (another mummy) and I decided to spring her a little birthday surprise yesterday morning because that's the only day this week that she started work at 7am. Got her a slice of chocolate cake from CHOCZ because Sue said Teacher Roze loves chocolate. Greg and I met Edna (Greg's classmate) and Sue at 7:45am outside the childcare centre. We stuck the candle in the little cake and got Greg and Edna to bring it to Teacher Roze. I guess it's still too early in the morning, and everyone looked as though they have just woken up. KengYong was the photographer and aiyoooo... he only managed to take one shot! Well, he said everything happened too quickly and he didn't have time to get a good angle woh.... anyway, hope Teacher Roze liked the little surprise yesterday morning.
Also, thanks to Teacher Maeve (Greg's ex-Shichida teacher and she's a great MayDay fan) again for providing me with lots of information on MayDay albums. Teacher Roze likes one of the MayDay songs and originally I thought of getting her that CD (with that song) as a birthday gift. Luckily I checked with Teacher Roze and found out that she has that CD already. Then I thought I could get her other MayDay albums, but I couldn't quite appreciate those fast beat songs (don't mean to offend you Teacher Maeve... I think I am too old for those songs but I do believe their songs are nice). Anyway, I decided not to get any albums because I doubt Teacher Roze is a true MayDay fan. Eventually, after much thought, I got her something else with a little poem on it. Yanti taught Greg how to say Happy Birthday to Teacher Roze in Malay but ended up Greg preferred to say "Selamat Hari Raya"..aiyo, so I didn't dare to ask Greg to say it to Teacher Roze just in case he said it wrongly.. anyway, Greg was quite upset about me getting such a small cake for his teacher and he came to "confront" me yesterday evening..
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Still Can't Let Go..
A few days ago, I had a mid 50s female patient who saw me in my clinic. I just thought that she's one of those who are so fortunate. She has a perfect family (including both her elderly parents, husband and three grown up sons) and her life has been smooth sailing until her mother-in-law died sometime mid this year. It's the first time she experienced the loss of a loved one and the first time she saw a dead body. I know it's not possible but how nice if everyone experiences losses only at a later stage of their life. Or maybe it doesn't make any difference. I don't know. On the other end, I have a friend (about the same age as I) who has had lost her father-in-law, mother and mother-in-law within this year. The deaths of her in-laws were sudden. I also wonder how she and her husband cope.. well, I believe there are worse cases in this world.
I am not trying to compare here, but I believe everyone has their own lives to lead and our lives are so different from one another. Though I miss my parents terribly (sometimes I even deceived myself that they went on a very long trip to somewhere. How silly right?), I try not to engage in self-pity and hopefully, yes hopefully one day I could move on "fully" with my life.. Honestly speaking, I just can't help but to envy people at my age who still have both parents/ at least a parent with them.. well, I am just not one of the fortunate ones I guess.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Weekend Hotel Stay
We arrived at the hotel at about 12+pm. The ambience there was grand and nice. We were given apple juice/ strawberry iced tea on arrival, and free flow of cookies. The room was also quite big and comfortable. Greg was so excited that he couldn't nap so we brought him down for a swim.
After his swim, he took a nap while KengYong and I decided to shop around Marina Square. Our helper kept an eye on Greg while we went shopping but Greg napped for no more than an hour that afternoon. Yanti called us to inform that Greg has woken up. I guess he's too excited about the stay in the hotel. Anyway, to keep him entertained before we had our dinner, we walked around the Millenia Walk and Marina Square. Greg went into a shop and I was showing him a big black scarf. He said if the scarf were to be put around his head, he would look like Teacher Salimah (one of the teachers in his childcare who wears tudung). Yanti laughed and without hesitation, she folded the scarf and placed it on Greg's head. I quickly dished out my camera and took a photo...haha.. he looked quite girlish with the "tudung" on, and he kept saying that he's "teacher salimah"... I wonder how Teacher Salimah would feel if she knows about it..
We met Rina for dinner at Imperial, Marina Square before we headed to the little play area at Kiddy Palace, so as to keep little Regine and Gregory occupied. Below on the left is the picture of Rina enjoying her food, taken by Gregory. Photo of Greg and Regine on a swing is on the right.
It was indeed a tiring Saturday for me. I was so exhausted by 9pm but Greg was still so full of energy despite the fact that he only napped for less than an hour that afternoon. Anyway, I woke up at about 8am on Sunday whilst KengYong and Greg were still snoring away. I decided to use the hotel's bathtub to have a relaxing morning bath. See picture below: I filled up the tub with water and the bath salt (provided by the hotel).
Asked Greg how he felt about the trip, he said "I am so tired. Even dogdog and giraffe are tired". I asked him how he knew his stuffed toys were tired... and well, he showed me a photo he took (see below).. hmmm.. Well, it is indeed a tiring weekend for Greg, KengYong and I though it was just a one night hotel stay in Singapore. However, it's certainly a weekend different from the ones we usually have. =)
Friday, November 2, 2007
I'm Back!
It's indeed one great loss one could experience in life and it's something not easy to grapple with. I don't know if I were him I could be as strong as him to be able to move on with my life. Somehow his life story has reminded me that it's very important to cherish what one has, and not lament on what one doesn't have. Try not to make comparisons to create stress and distress for self and if possible, be contented with self and life.. no one and no life is perfect..