It was my cousin's wedding yesterday. It was nice of him to have invited my whole family to his dinner at Bliss Garden, located at Expo Hall2. Told him that I needed 3 adult chairs and 2 high chairs because I had to bring my maid and two boys along. Well, he was kind enough to say "No problem!". Yesterday evening was a mad rush for me. I had to prepare the 2 young boys and Greg was dillydallying. I kept hurrying him and I left with less than 10 minutes to prepare myself. I put on my gown and was applying make-up in my room when Greg came in and asked.
GREG: Mummy, why you said hurry hurry and now you are doing painting?
I simply ignored him and he went..
GREG: Mummy, I am talking to you. Why are you painting your face? Be quick. We are late.
ME: I am not painting. I am putting on make-up. Mummy has to put on make-up because it's uncle's wedding.
GREG: Uncle??
I ignored him again, refusing to entertain his questions any more. I was really hardpressed for time. I applied my foundation, powder,concealer, blusher, mascara, and finally I put on my lipstick. As the dinner is a night event, I felt that I had to put on the makeup thicker. This time when I applied my lipstick,
GREG: Oh no! Oh dear! What happens to your lips now?
Well, Greg really made me wonder if my makeup skills are damn bad. Perhaps it's just that he has rarely seen me in thick makeup. Anyway, I packed toys in his bag, hoping that I could distract him and make him sit still during dinner.
However, when we arrived there, I realized that the table I was allocated to was shockingly packed. Rina and I were only given 4 adult seats (Rina needs 2 adult seats and 1 high chair for Regine). We were thinking how to squeeze in one more adult chair and 3 high chairs. Greg and Gareth then started to get a little cranky, and I thought I really stuck out like a sorethumb. The table was really too small (even for 10 adults!) so I doubt we could squeeze in more chairs. I looked around the ballroom.. pretty jam packed and I didn't want the host to look bad (because I wonder if there were not enough tables and seats in the ballroom. Anyway, they were quite busy... understandly because it's my cousin's big day). So in the end, I decided to leave and Hubby supported my decision. At least my sister and her family can settle down on that table comfortably. Kekeke.. she can represent all of us mah! Anyway, I do hope that together with my angpow, deep down in my heart I sincerely wish my cousin and his wife a happy married life is enough. We left and my family had dinner at east coast instead! It turned out to be quite an enjoyable outing still, as the kids stopped complaining and were cranky no more. It is indeed not easy bringing kids out for such an occasion but one thing I missed doing was to go round and chat with my other cousins and relatives. It seems ages since I last saw them.
1 comment:
Wow, finally update your blog after so long. Maybe time to get a mini laptop so that you can log on easily when your 3 boys are fast asleep...:P
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